Lina Zylla
Singing in the wind, 05/26/2021, Wed., 6:00 p.m.
Lina Zylla shows a multi-layered performance consisting of her looped voice, painting and glass. She refers to fragments of the play "Orpheus descending" in the group exhibition "Limonare" at the Orangerie Munich.
Sound Master: Simon Kummer
Camera: Mathias R. Zausinger
Orangerie Englischer Garten, Munich (see end of page for details).
As cultural institutions have closed, art has been displaced into the digital world and the desire for physical and material experience, even without a screen, has grown. This desire for social encounters and to have experiences on a physical level in addition to the visual level leads us to this exhibition project.
Limonare ( / li - mo - nà - re / ) is a colloquial Italian, verb that describes physical closeness, in the sense of "making out, cuddling", related to the act of squeezing lemons. The root of the verb comes from "limone" (in German, lemon), a citrus fruit that used to be grown in orangeries. The works we are creating for the exhibition are connected to the working title "reacting distance" - they address in very different ways the interplay of proximity and distance, spatially, physically or also in a cultural sense. Since we all have different cultural and geographical backgrounds, this cultural diversity enriches us as a group. Thus, we can reflect and rethink the exhibition from our respective positions and perspectives. Through exchange, works are developed and selected for the exhibition.
ARTIST IN RESIDENCE - LIVE PERFORMANCE ON 13TH OF NOVEMBER 2024 OPEN STUDIO at Atelierhaus Salzamt: In the movie you can see snippets of the performance of 13th November 2024. LINA ZYLLA combined sampled sounds and vocal loops with visual impressions, whereby various materials structure the space in a painterly way. #artistinresidence at the Atelierhaus Salzamt Linz via the European Art Forum from the beginning of October until mid-December 2024. Stipendium: Europäisches Kunstforum @schafhofartforum Cam: Atelierhaus Salzamt Ob. Donaulände 15, 4020 Linz @friendsofsalzamt Editing: the artist Go to @lina_zylla VIDEO LINK (7:22min): SHORT TRAILER (1min): SHORT SHORT TRIALER (42sec):
Lina Zylla ‚YEARS‘, 2022, Performance, ca. 30min Exhibition: SPEK/TRUM, Werksviertel Mitte, Munich Site-specific performance of looped voice, painting and Alidibond panels. Lina Zylla dedicated this performance to her father who passed away in 2022. Spek/trum - Die Stadt als Resonanzkörper. Die Ausstellung "Spek/trum" setzt sich mit dem Menschen und die ihm umgebenden städtischen und gesellschaftlichen Räumen auseinander. Dabei geht es auch in engerem Sinne um die Stadt als Klangraum und akustische Kulisse und um das Verhältnis zwischen dem Körper der Stadt und den vielfältigen Geräuschen und urbanen Klängen des Stadtraums. Die Ausstellung „Spek/trum“ findet im frei begehbaren öffentlichen Raum im @werksviertelmitte statt.
As part of the opening of the exhibition "MITGEBRACHT! From our international exchange" on 07.07.2024, Munich-based artist Lina Zylla presented the performance "The Core of our Problems." In it, she interweaves sound recordings that she made in 2023 during a residency at the Virigina Center for the Creative Arts in the USA, supported by the Förderverein Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, with audio recordings from the Kebbel Villa environment.
Im Rahmen der Eröffnung der Ausstellung „MITGEBRACHT! Aus unserem internationalen Austausch“ am 07.07.2024 präsentierte die in München lebende Künstlerin Lina Zylla die Performance „The Core of our Problems.“ Darin verwebt sie u.a. Soundaufnahmen, die sie 2023 während einer vom Förderverein Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus geförderten Residenz am Virigina Center for the Creative Arts in den USA aufgezeichnet hat, mit Audioaufnahmen aus dem Umfeld der Kebbel Villa.
Lina Zylla: The core of our problems, 2024
Peformance in der / at Kebbel Villa Schwandorf on / am 07.07.2024
As part of the opening of the exhibition “BROUGHT BACK! From our Intenational Exchange” / Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung “MITGEBRACHT! Aus unserem internationalen Austausch“
Curated by / Kuratiert von Jürgen Dehm
Camera and editing / Kamera und Schnitt: Mathias Reitz Zausinger
Sound editing / Audioschnitt: Simon Kummer
© the artist / die Künstlerin; Kebbel Villa Schwandorf 2024
Performance by Lina Zylla "POSTCARDS"| Official Video | 13.11.2023 | VCCA (Virgina, US)
During Lina Zylla's residency in Virigina, US at the VCCA, she created a performance consisting of video samples, small paintings and sound samples. These were recorded on site and integrated into a performance.
The performance concept, sounds and the works are created by the artist Lina Zylla and all rights are reserved. The International Fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA), Virginia, USA was sponsored by the Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus.
camera: Paige Critcher
With the artist project "Zimmer frei" in the Hotel Mariandl, works by artists at the beginning of their professionalism are shown once a year in an extraordinary ambience. On two floors of the historic hotel, twelve guest rooms are used for projections, room installations, stagings, performances and music. The exhibition project was realised while the hotel was in operation.
This sound performance took place on 17/10/2020 in room 13 in the glass & sound installation by Lina Zylla.
Camera: Mathias Zausinger
Audio mastering: Simon Kummer
Cut/ video editing: Lina Zylla
Performance TRAILER "Finding the wind's direction" (Official Video LongVersion) from Lina Zylla on Vimeo.
The performance movie was shot and produced in Italy September 2021, showing a performance in the rural landscape. Her research concentrates on bringing sound and painting into space.
video concept & camera:
Mathias R. Zausinger, Patrik Thomas & Lina Zylla
Audio Mastering: Simon Kummer
The performance concept, sounds and the glass works are created by the artist Lina Zylla and all rights are reserved. The material for the glass works was supported by the Alexander Tutsek Foundation. This filming project was supported by the program „Junge Kunst und neue Wege des Freistaats Bayern“ and the Gisela und Erwin von Steiner Foundation
short trailer:
I SILVER ALL THE TILES - HAUS DER KUNST 2021 (OfficialTrailerLONG) from Lina Zylla on Vimeo.
Performance by Lina Zylla
video concept & camera:
Mathias Reiz Zausinger, Patrik Thomas, Lina Zylla
audio mastering: Simon Kummer
performance assistent: Florian Nöthe
The performance concept, sounds and the glass works are created by the artist Lina Zylla and all rights are reserved.
The material for the glass works was supported by the Alexander Tutsek Foundation. This filming project was supported by the program „Junge Kunst und neue Wege des Freistaats Bayern“ and the Gisela und Erwin von Steiner Foundation
Shot trailer:
Lina Zylla „...deine, meine, unsere, ihre, seine gefilterte Vergangenheit..", Beapart, Live Streaming und Performance, Café Kosmos München, 2020
The Café Kosmos invited me during Corona to use the bar as an exhibition and performance space for one week. Here I processed dialectical memory images in the shop window of Café Kosmos. Painterly interventions on the shop window glass and acoustic sound units were created.
Video/Master: Simon Kummer
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